Revenue public offices

Most queries are easily resolved by using our secure ROS-MyEnquiries service or by contacting Revenue’s dedicated phonelines.

To find the correct contact details for your query, please select the appropriate area from the list in our Contact us section.

If you have a particularly complex query which cannot be resolved via MyEnquiries or over our phonelines, an appointment service is available.

If you are unable to resolve your query via MyEnquires or over our phonelines and have not made an appointment, our public offices are open to the public Monday to Friday from 9.30 am to 1.30pm.


Priority will be given to customers with an appointment and waiting times will vary, particularly during peak periods.

Public offices are available at the following locations:

Dublin Central Revenue Information Office

Cathedral St, Dublin 1

D01 EF86


Revenue House, Assumption Rd, Blackpool, Cork



Geata Na Cathrach, Fairgreen Rd, Galway

H91 W26K


Sarsfield House, Francis Street, Limerick

V94 R972


All our public offices are closed on bank holidays - public holidays.