Local Property Tax (LPT) and Vacant Homes Tax (VHT)

The contact details shown below should be used for queries relating to LPT and VHT including:

  • filing LPT or VHT returns
  • making LPT or VHT payments online
  • allowing call centre agents to file LPT or VHT returns
  • or
  • make LPT or VHT payments on your behalf.

Please note that the quickest and easiest way for you to manage your tax is to use our online services or Sign in to LPT online.


00353 1 738 3626

Call charges may vary depending on your telephone provider's service contract.

Standard telephone opening hours: 09.30 to 16.30 (Monday to Friday).


Please use the secure 'MyEnquiries' service available through the LPT Login, or through myAccount or ROS.

Postal address

LPT and VHT Branch
PO Box 1