Our X policy

This page describes how Revenue uses X (formerly known as Twitter), a free social networking service owned by X Corp.

Our X objectives

Revenue's X objectives are:

  • to share Revenue news and general information using easily accessible channels of communication
  • to increase awareness of entitlements and obligations
  • and
  • to increase awareness of Revenue, and tax and customs matters in general.


If you follow the @RevenueIE X account, you can expect regular posts relating to Irish tax and customs matters including:

  • press releases
  • latest news
  • publications
  • tax updates
  • publicity campaigns and so on.

Privacy and security

Revenue’s X account is hosted by X. You should read X’s privacy policy. You participate at your own risk and must take personal responsibility for the content of your posts.

Revenue does not discuss the tax affairs of individual taxpayers over X. We do not accept posts as notification in respect of your tax affairs. Also, we do not send notifications of tax refunds via X.

We will not ask you to disclose personal, confidential or payment information through social media sites such as X. If you receive such a message, please do not respond – it is not from Revenue and may be malicious. Please see our security page for further information.

Revenue strongly recommends that you avoid tweeting anything personal about yourself or anyone else. You should not discuss the details of any financial affairs on X, or give out any personal details. You should never include a Personal Public Service Number (PPSN), email address, bank details or any other personal information in your posts.

@replies and Direct Messages

Revenue will read @replies and Direct Messages and emerging themes or helpful suggestions will be monitored and acted upon as appropriate. However, we will not reply individually to @replies or Direct Messages.

If you wish to find out more information about Revenue, tax or customs, please visit www.revenue.ie.

If you need to contact Revenue, please visit our Contact us page.


If you follow @RevenueIE, we will not automatically follow you back. Our decision to follow an X account does not imply endorsement by Revenue. We will remove or block a follower if that follower tweets inappropriate or offensive material.


Revenue will normally update and its X account during office hours only, Monday to Friday.

X may occasionally become unavailable. Revenue cannot accept responsibility for lack of service due to X downtime.