Update on implementation of Enhanced Reporting Requirements

Today (14/02/2024), Revenue published figures in relation to compliance with the Enhanced Reporting Requirements (ERR) which came into effect on 1 January 2024. These figures show that at 31 January 2024, over 66,000 submissions had been made by approximately 17,500 employers.

Since 1 January, employers who provide the remote working daily allowance, untaxed travel and subsistence payments or qualifying incentives under the small benefit exemption to their employees and directors, are required to report the payments or benefits to Revenue.

The submissions made to Revenue during January 2024 relate to over 702,000 payments and benefits provided to 226,800 individual employees and directors. The value of these payments and benefits amounts to almost €86 million, which can be broken down as follows:

  • 14,000 remote working daily allowance payments, valued at almost €0.7 million,
  • 32,000 qualifying incentives under the small benefit exemption, valued at €19.3 million
  • and
  • 656,000 non-taxable travel and subsistence payments, valued at €65.9 million.

Revenue will continue supporting employers and agents to comply with ERR and will host further informational webinars. These free webinars provide an overview of the ERR and are an excellent opportunity for employers and agents to ask any questions they may still have about the new reporting rules. Details of these webinars and how to register is available on the Revenue website, accessible here. Registration for webinars on Thursday 22 and Tuesday 27 February is now open.

Comprehensive guidance in respect of the ERR is available on the Revenue website and can be found here. Employers and agents can also contact Revenue through MyEnquiries if they have any queries, and further support is available through the National Employer Helpdesk, which can be contacted on (01) 738 3638 between 09.30 and 13.30 Monday to Friday.

[ENDS 14/02/2024]