New to customs
Easing the customs burden
There are a number of ways you can make your interaction with Revenue easier in the trading environment. You can apply for the following:
- Deferred payment which allows you to defer payment of import charges until the month following import.
- Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status which recognises reliable operators as secure and safe and offers various benefits to the trader.
- Simplified procedures which allow you to import goods and to perform customs formalities more easily.
- Inward or outward processing, end use, warehousing and temporary admission procedures provide for relief from import charges depending on the use of the goods.
- An authorisation to be an authorised consignee or authorised consignor which allows you to complete transit formalities at your premises.
- A temporary storage facility which is a customs approved place inside or outside the port or airport. In a temporary storage facility, non-Union goods are placed in storage prior to being placed under a customs procedure or re-exported.
- Relief from payment of Customs Duty and VAT depending on the nature and value of your goods. You will find information about these reliefs in relief from Customs Duty and VAT and personal reliefs from Customs Duty and VAT.
All these authorisations and reliefs have conditions and rules with which you must comply.
Comprehensive guarantee
If you avail of an authorisation that involves a suspension of duty, you will need a comprehensive guarantee to secure against payment default.
You will find detailed information about comprehensive guarantees and how to apply in comprehensive guarantee and guarantee waivers.
Further information
You will find comprehensive information about the customs procedures and rules for trade with non-EU countries in our Customs for businesses section.
Next: Information about customs electronic systems