Revenue eBrief No. 164/20

28 August 2020

Stay and Spend Tax Credit

A new Income Tax Credit entitled the Stay and Spend Tax Credit has been introduced in respect of the 2020 and 2021 years of assessment, as a result of the Financial Provisions (Covid-19) (No.2) Act 2020.

A new Tax and Duty Manual (TDM), Part 15-01-47 - Stay and Spend Tax Credit, has been created and sets out how the Stay and Spend Tax Credit operates.

The TDM includes a detailed step by step guide for service providers on how to complete the simple Stay and Spend registration process, which will open later today.

The TDM also includes a step by step guide for taxpayers on how to upload their receipts to the Receipts Tracker App and how to submit a claim for the Income Tax Credit.