Exceptional contacts

The contact details below are provided for practitioners to enable them contact Revenue, if there is urgent need for contact and they are unable to do so via the normal channels. It is expected that such exceptional situations will be confined, in the main, to peak filing periods.

It is important to note that the named person when contacted in the circumstances outlined above will not be dealing with the underlying query. This contact point is only for use when normal channels do not appear to be working. The contact will, in these circumstances, take the necessary steps to resolve any contact difficulties.

The difficulties encountered by customers and practitioners at peak times may well be related to the fact that resources are stretched, due to high customer demand. While every effort will be made to apply resources to meet the demand, there may be times when contact delays and difficulties are experienced. We ask for your patience in these circumstances.

Business Division

Details for Business Division
NameeMail address
Ann Dillon


Personal Division

Details for Personal Division
NameeMail address
Kevin Heffernan


Medium Enterprises Division

Details for Medium Enterprises Division
NameeMail address
Sinead Curley


Collector General's Division

Details for Collector General's Division
NameeMail address

Áine Fogarty
