About Revenue statistics

Official statistics

Revenue has signed the Irish Statistical System Code of Practice for Official Statistics (ISSCoP)

The main purpose of the Code of Practice is to:

  • improve trust and confidence in Official Statistics produced and disseminated by public bodies
  • reinforce their independence, integrity and responsibility
  • and
  • enhance the quality of Official Statistics.

Revenue has set in place a series of processes to ensure that:

  • independence
  • timeliness
  • accessibility
  • confidentiality
  • and
  • quality

are at the heart of its delivery of official statistics.

To deliver this, Revenue adheres to the quality standards, procedures, processes and timelines that were agreed with the ISSCoP, and published the following documents:

Calendar Schedule of Updates for Revenue Statistics by year

The current calendar will be updated every month, highlighting how successful Revenue was in meeting the schedule.

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