CESOP - EU cross-border payments reporting

Reporting payments

Payment Service Providers (PSPs) will need to make a return of data on cross-border payments every quarter. The return to each tax administration is required by the end of the month following the end of the quarter. For example, a PSP should submit a return to each tax administration for the first quarter of 2024 by 30 April 2024.

The European Union (EU) Commission Taxation and Customs Union has issued CESOP – Guidelines for the reporting of payment data.

The European Commission has also drafted a list of informative CESOP frequently asked questions.

Where does the PSP report?

A PSP is required to make a return to every Member State where it provides services falling within the scope of the reporting obligation.

For example, a PSP established in Belgium may provide payment services to payees in Belgium, France and the Netherlands. In such cases, the PSP will need to submit returns in each of these three countries.

How to submit a return?

Returns must be made electronically by each PSP in a specified XML format. The European Union (EU) Commission Taxation and Customs Union has issued an updated Payment data XSD User Guide (Version 4.61).

The user guide provides further guidance to PSPs in relation to each element of the return. Revenue are developing the required IT infrastructure to validate returns submitted by PSPs in the prescribed format.

To support PSPs which are obliged to file in multiple jurisdictions, the EU Commission has published a list of the CESOP National Portals.

For enquiries, please e-mail CESOPEnquiries@revenue.ie.

Further information is available on the European Commission website at:

All registrations for CESOP are done through Revenue Online Service (ROS) or the Non-Residents Registration (NRR) application.