Issues logging into ROS

Password entered is incorrect

Incorrect password may occur if:

  • you are entering your password incorrectly
  • you have not loaded the most up to date copy of your certificate
  • or
  • your certificate needs to be reloaded into the browser.


You should ensure that you are entering the correct password. The password is changed each time you renew your certificate.

  • Ensure that you are entering the password in the correct format.
  • It must have at least eight characters, including at least one upper case character, one lower case character and one digit.
  • If you downloaded the certificate recently, try entering your password with the 'Caps Lock' button on. You may have had this on when you created the new password.
  • Please note that Revenue staff cannot check, or issue, your login password.


Remove the certificate from the browser and reload the most up-to-date copy of the certificate. To do this:

  • Click 'Manage My Certificates' on the Revenue Online Service (ROS) login screen.
  • Under 'Loaded certificates will be displayed here', look for the certificate that is giving the error message.
  • Click on the 'bin' symbol to remove the certificate.
  • Follow instructions to load your most recent certificate.

For further information, please refer to the guide:

If you are unable to resolve the issue, and you are the ROS administrator, please use the Reset login function.

If you are a sub-user, please contact your ROS administrator who can set up a new subcert for you.

Next: Certificate has expired