Residential Development Stamp Duty Refund Scheme


Section 83D of the Stamp Duties Consolidation Act 1999 provides for this refund scheme. When you build residential dwelling units on non-residential land, you may qualify for a partial refund of the Stamp Duty paid. The dwelling units can be single, or multi-unit, dwellings.

A single dwelling unit contains one property built on a piece of land. Multi-unit dwellings contain a number of houses or apartment blocks built on a piece of land.

The maximum amount of refund you can claim is:

  • eleven-fifteenths of the Stamp Duty paid if you paid Stamp Duty at the rate of 7.5%
  • or
  • two-thirds of the Stamp Duty paid if you paid Stamp Duty at the rate of 6%.

For multi-unit developments, the residential dwelling units must cover at least 75% of the land area or gross floor space. Please see Percentage Test for further information.

For a single dwelling unit, you can claim the area of the property and curtilage. For curtilage you can only claim up to 0.4047 hectares (one acre). The curtilage does not include the property. The curtilage is the area around the house such as gardens, paths and driveways.

Next: Qualifying conditions for all claimants