Revenue eBrief No. 046/19
07 March 2019
Guides to reliefs for investment in corporate trades
Revenue has published guidance on the reliefs available for investments in corporate trades made on or after 1 January 2019. The three reliefs are:
- Employment Investment Incentive (EII)
- Start-up Capital Incentive (SCI)
- Start-Up Relief for Entrepreneurs (SURE).
Tax and Duty Manual Part 16-00-02 sets out the conditions that the company must meet in order for the investment to qualify for relief, while Part 16-00-03 sets out the conditions that the investor must meet in order to claim a relief.
Guidance in respect of share issues prior to 1 January 2019 are set out in Tax and Duty Manuals Part 16-00-10 and Part 16-00-11.
Revenue's website has also been updated with the new forms and statements required.