Local Property Tax - what you need to do for 2024

Properties that have become liable


Your property may have become liable for LPT for the first time in 2024. If so, you should have valued your property and submitted your LPT Return by 1 December 2023. If you have not yet filed your return, you should do so immediately.

Your property is newly liable for Local Property Tax (LPT) in 2024 if:

  • it is a newly-built residential property completed after 1 November 2022 and before 1 November 2023
  • or
  • it has become occupied, or suitable for use as a dwelling, after 1 November 2022 and before 1 November 2023.

The valuation date for LPT is 1 November 2021. This means that you need to value your property as if it had existed on 1 November 2021.

Your LPT charge is based on the valuation of your property as at 1 November 2021. Your valuation of your property on this date determines your LPT charge for 2024 and 2025.

For further information and helpful examples, please see Properties that become liable for LPT.

You need to:

  1. Self-assess the value of your newly liable property as at the valuation date of 1 November 2021. This means that you have to determine the value of your property as if it had existed in its completed state on 1 November 2021.
  2. Submit your valuation as part of your LPT Return on, or before, 1 December 2023.
  3. Make arrangements to pay your LPT charge.

Register your property

You need to register your property with Revenue if it has not previously been registered for LPT or Stamp Duty. For further information, please see Register a Property for Local Property Tax (LPT).

If your property has already been registered for LPT, you should access your Revenue Property Record.

LPT exemptions

Certain properties are exempt from LPT if they meet the qualifying conditions. For further information, please see Local Property Tax (LPT) exemptions 2022 to 2025.

LPT deferrals

You can defer the payment of your LPT if you meet certain specified conditions. For further information, please see Deferral of Local Property Tax payment.

Next: Filing and payment deadlines